Archive for the ‘muscle toning’ Category

Togu Octositz, The Multi-Cube

June 23, 2009


The Togu Octositz Multi-Cube is highly stimulating for children due to its unusual shape. To promote physical co-ordination and balance, to build up muscles and to stabilize the spine. Also for various fun games. Very suitable for integrated games, because it is easy to include extremely shy children as well as children with a low tolerance of frustration, since there is no pressure to do well when playing with the octoseat.

Togu Octositz, The Multi-Cube, 32cm high, Red sold at

Jobri DYNAIR Premium Seat Wedge

March 18, 2009

A New Dimension in Sitting

The Dynair Premium Seat Cushion provides the benefits of the classic wedge cushion and ball cushion in one perfect product.

Ergonomically shaped to encourage an upright posture, strengthen the back muscles and assist with back pain relief. Uniform pressure distribution also makes for pleasant thigh support.


  • 2 sided – Soft flat side for sitting, and soft knobbly side may be used for foot and back massage.
  • Air pump provided for individual air regulation
  • Includes an exercise instruction sheet for a variety of exercises while seated (developed by an internationally renowned therapist)
  • Ideal for children & teenagers at school, in the office and at home.


  • Diameter: approx. 40cm
  • Incline from front 3cm ~ 7cm

Jobri DYNAIR Premium Seat Wedge sold at

Inflatable Seat Disk with Senso Knobs

December 7, 2008


  • Provides relief while sitting by removing stress from the spine.
  • Supports an upright posture, strengthens the back muscles and helps to relieve back pain.
  • Disc pressure and comfort level can be adjusted to the user’s desired pressure with pump and needle valve.
  • 16″ size designed for adults and has smooth surface for normal use or alternative side has Senso knobs that provide back and foot massage and improved air circulation while sitting.
  • Integral component of the B.CO System.
  • Exercise poster included.

Jobri Dynair Inflatable Seat Disk with Senso Knobs sold at

Gaitors 3/4 Length Arch Support

October 28, 2008

Tuli’s Gaitors 3/4 Length Arch Support are designed to provide superior shock absorption, arch support and comfort for your feet. Gaitors incorporate Tuli’s successfully patented waffle design which most effectively duplicates nature’s own shock absorbing system in the feet. The combination of modern materials allows Gaitors to provide a lightweight, yet highly effective shock absorber. Revolutionary new technology offers an ultra thin carbon fiber arch support which will provide long-lasting relief and comfort.

Tuli’s offer instant relief from:

  • Tired, burning, aching feet, legs and back
  • Painful heels and heel spurs
  • Nagging backache and neckache
  • Shin splint and arthritic joints

Tuli’s GAITORS 3/4 Length Arch Support sold at

Epi-Lock Elbow Support

September 11, 2008

This uniquely-designed tennis elbow strap is more effective and comfortable than conventional supports. Epi-Lock’s unique distal strap supports extensors that are deeply buried and harder to support near the elbow where tennis elbow straps are usually worn. Its two straps together give exceptional support and pain relief.

The non-elastic straps are worn comfortably snug. When muscular force is applied, the extensors automatically enlarge causing the straps to tighten. Because the straps are relatively narrow, they focus the binding force for maximum effectiveness. As the extensors relax, the straps return to their comfortably snug condition.

* Lightwieght
* Won’t slip
* Washable

Epi-Lock Elbow Supports
are manufactured from DermaDry, an exclusive material that outperforms all conventional bracing materials. DermaDry combines the breathability and water-vapor transmission capabilities of open- cell sponge rubber with the durability, stretch and compression of neoprene.

This process allows perspiration to evaporate and is further enhanced by the KwikWick treatment of the soft polyester that coats the inside and outside of the braces.

DermaDry keeps just the right amount of soothing warmth in the soft muscle tissues, keeping them flexible while providing compression. A flame lamination process is used to secure the KwikWick treated polyester to the rubber, eliminating the need for industrial adhesives, a known cause of contact dermatitis.

Epi-Lock Elbow Support sold at

The Orbit Massager

September 7, 2008

The Orbit Massager has a smooth, comfortable shape that allows you to give a stress releasing, relaxing massage to the back, neck, shoulders and to muscles throughout the body.

You can use the Original Orbit Massager on yourself or on someone else. Use it at the office to relieve the stress and stiffness associated with long hours at the computer.

The innovative, gliding action of its freely rotational ball kneads the muscles in the same way the professional massage therapist works to loosen and relax soft tissues and to encourage circulation.

The Orbit Massager on sale at

Foam Rollers Work

August 21, 2008
Top 5 Foam Roller Exercises

The Foam Roller is a simple and effective tool used for balance and alignment.  A foam roller helps in developing core stabilization, stamina, and body awareness.  Foam rollers are excellent exercise tools. They can be very effective props in pilates and other exercise classes and  they are fun to experiment with.

Foam rollers do provide a compression massage which does improve circulation. By placing the large muscles you wish to compress on the roller and allowing your your body’s weight to press them into the hard foam, you improve circulation and loosen tight body knots in your muscles and tendons ensuring  proper muscle quality.

Foam Rollers come in different sizes

Foam Rolling:

You place the roller between your muscle and the floor and use your body weight to gently and slowly roll for the entire length of your muscle.

When you reach a painful spot, stop rolling and use your body weight to press down. Hold that spot until the pain goes away. If the pain does not seem to go away, don’t worry, just continue rolling and hit all of your “spots”.

Start off slow eventually it will be come a part of your exercise routine and you find relief and start feeling better all over!

Sold at

Kool N Fit Sport Conditioning Spray

April 28, 2008

KOOL N FIT SPORT CONDITIONING SPRAYKOOL ‘N FIT SPORT CONDITIONING SPRAY is a powerful, all natural external muscle spray for better warm-up, increased endurance, and faster recovery. It is liquid, non-staining and easy to use. Leaves no messy residue and has a refreshing aroma-therapy scent.
KOOL ‘N FIT SPORT CONDITIONING SPRAY relaxes muscles to allow better stretching, allowing them to work more efficiently with less risk of strain or tear.
The Sport Conditioning Spray aids in warm-up providing higher performance with less chance of injury.
Kool N Fit Sport Conditioning Spray increases the blood flow to your muscles providing an increased supply of oxygen and nutrients giving you more energy during competition and recovery.
Tip #1: During Workout/Event Soak KNF-Sport in a sponge and carry it with you for easy application when fatigue or cramps need to be avoided.
Tip #2: Before a Game Spray KNF-Sport on before a game, during half time, or before overtime to invigorate and prevent injury.
Tip #3: Before Sports Spray KNF-Sport on muscles before sports for better warm-up and performance. Apply before stretching for best results.
Tip #4: Shoes Spray KNF-Sport on the insoles of your shoes to keep feet cool and fresh.
Tip #5: Pre-Exercise Spray KNF-Sport on muscles to relieve Pre-Exercise tightness and Event anxiety. Apply on neck, forehead, and temples, too!
Tip #6: During Sports Spray KNF-Sport on muscles during sports to invigorate and to increase performance. Carry it with you during long events.
Tip #7: Minor Aches Spray KNF-Sport on muscles and joints for temporary relief of minor aches and fatigue in sports. Cover large area, don’t rub in.
Tip #8: During Bath Pour 6-7 tablespoons of KNF-Sport into bath water to relax muscles and promote healing.
Tip #9 At Bedtime Apply KNF-Sport at bedtime to minimize next day soreness, stiffness, and minor pains. Revitalize while asleep!

Inversion Therapy Benefits

April 11, 2008

Inversion therapy is a method of treating back pain by diminishing the influence of gravity, reducing the compression of the vertebrae and discs and allowing the muscles and ligaments that encase the spine to relax.

This is typically performed on what’s called an inversion table. The table allows you to lie on your back relaxed, in an inverted position. This position eliminates some or all gravitational compression, depending upon how far back you position your body.

Inversion therapy is the safest, quickest and most effective way to increase the space between your vertebrae. Numerous clinical studies published in reputable medical journals have confirmed that inversion really does increase the separation between the discs of the spine, which brings relief from back pain.

For instance, one study considered 175 people who were unable to work due to back pain. After eight inversion treatments, 155 of the patients were able to return to work full time.

Other benefits people experience with a regular program of Inversion therapy :

* Maintains your height. Regularly inverting will help you avoid the “shrinkage” others your age are showing because of the cumulative effect of gravity over a lifetime.

* Improves circulation. When you’re inverted, your body can circulate your blood aided by gravity rather than having to work against it. In addition, with inversion, gravity helps the lymphatic system clear faster, easing the aches and pains of stiff muscles.

* Relieves stress. A full-body stretch feels rejuvenating! And the inversion table makes that relaxation easier to attain than climbing on a jungle gym or taking a yoga class. Many people sleep better with regular inversion therapy.

* Heightens mental alertness. Any upside-down activity increases the supply of oxygen to the brain, which many authorities believe helps you maintain mental sharpness.

* Increases flexibility and range of motion. With inversion, your joints stay healthy and supple, so that you can easily remain as active as you were in your younger years.

* Improves posture. The stretch that comes with reversing the direction of gravity helps you sit, stand and move with more ease and grace.

* Realigns the spine after workouts. Running and other aerobic activities inevitably compress your spine, frequently unevenly. One-sided activities like golf or tennis often pull the spine out of alignment. During inversion, minor misalignments often correct themselves naturally.

Teeter Hang Ups inversion tables Sold at

How do you BOSU?

April 9, 2008

The best thing about the BOSU Balance Trainer, besides its versatility, is that it adds fun to your usual workouts. Use it in place of your step for aerobic workouts (very tough) and while doing some traditional yoga poses, like warrior and triangle. It makes the workouts challenging and interesting.

Using the Bosu Balance Trainer can help improve:

Balance Because the BOSU Balance Trainer is never stable, you’re constantly engaging the small stabilizer muscles in the upper and lower body to keep you in place.

Kinesthetic awareness This is just a fancy word for your awareness of how the body is positioned at any given moment. This awareness is something that often declines as we age, so the Balance Trainer can help you stay connected with how your body moves.

Proprioception This is another fancy word describing how your body responds to external forces to keep your joints in the right position. When you stand on a Balance Trainer, all of your muscles are forced to contract to keep your joints in proper position. This helps make normal activities easier.

BOSU Balance Trainer Sold at