Archive for the ‘Anti-Aging’ Category

Inflatable Seat Disk with Senso Knobs

December 7, 2008


  • Provides relief while sitting by removing stress from the spine.
  • Supports an upright posture, strengthens the back muscles and helps to relieve back pain.
  • Disc pressure and comfort level can be adjusted to the user’s desired pressure with pump and needle valve.
  • 16″ size designed for adults and has smooth surface for normal use or alternative side has Senso knobs that provide back and foot massage and improved air circulation while sitting.
  • Integral component of the B.CO System.
  • Exercise poster included.

Jobri Dynair Inflatable Seat Disk with Senso Knobs sold at

Kool N Fit Sport Conditioning Spray

April 28, 2008

KOOL N FIT SPORT CONDITIONING SPRAYKOOL ‘N FIT SPORT CONDITIONING SPRAY is a powerful, all natural external muscle spray for better warm-up, increased endurance, and faster recovery. It is liquid, non-staining and easy to use. Leaves no messy residue and has a refreshing aroma-therapy scent.
KOOL ‘N FIT SPORT CONDITIONING SPRAY relaxes muscles to allow better stretching, allowing them to work more efficiently with less risk of strain or tear.
The Sport Conditioning Spray aids in warm-up providing higher performance with less chance of injury.
Kool N Fit Sport Conditioning Spray increases the blood flow to your muscles providing an increased supply of oxygen and nutrients giving you more energy during competition and recovery.
Tip #1: During Workout/Event Soak KNF-Sport in a sponge and carry it with you for easy application when fatigue or cramps need to be avoided.
Tip #2: Before a Game Spray KNF-Sport on before a game, during half time, or before overtime to invigorate and prevent injury.
Tip #3: Before Sports Spray KNF-Sport on muscles before sports for better warm-up and performance. Apply before stretching for best results.
Tip #4: Shoes Spray KNF-Sport on the insoles of your shoes to keep feet cool and fresh.
Tip #5: Pre-Exercise Spray KNF-Sport on muscles to relieve Pre-Exercise tightness and Event anxiety. Apply on neck, forehead, and temples, too!
Tip #6: During Sports Spray KNF-Sport on muscles during sports to invigorate and to increase performance. Carry it with you during long events.
Tip #7: Minor Aches Spray KNF-Sport on muscles and joints for temporary relief of minor aches and fatigue in sports. Cover large area, don’t rub in.
Tip #8: During Bath Pour 6-7 tablespoons of KNF-Sport into bath water to relax muscles and promote healing.
Tip #9 At Bedtime Apply KNF-Sport at bedtime to minimize next day soreness, stiffness, and minor pains. Revitalize while asleep!

How do you BOSU?

April 9, 2008

The best thing about the BOSU Balance Trainer, besides its versatility, is that it adds fun to your usual workouts. Use it in place of your step for aerobic workouts (very tough) and while doing some traditional yoga poses, like warrior and triangle. It makes the workouts challenging and interesting.

Using the Bosu Balance Trainer can help improve:

Balance Because the BOSU Balance Trainer is never stable, you’re constantly engaging the small stabilizer muscles in the upper and lower body to keep you in place.

Kinesthetic awareness This is just a fancy word for your awareness of how the body is positioned at any given moment. This awareness is something that often declines as we age, so the Balance Trainer can help you stay connected with how your body moves.

Proprioception This is another fancy word describing how your body responds to external forces to keep your joints in the right position. When you stand on a Balance Trainer, all of your muscles are forced to contract to keep your joints in proper position. This helps make normal activities easier.

BOSU Balance Trainer Sold at

Foot Massage Tips

January 28, 2008

Did you know that your feet might cover over 100,000 miles in your lifetime? Foot care is very important to help you as you travel on your journey. So take care of your feet and they will take care of you!

Dermal Therapy Heel Care is a wonderful product that utilizes moisturizing elements similar to those found naturally in healthy young skin.

Another great product is Dermal Therapy Foot Massage. Your feet deserve the relief provided by this special blend of beneficial vitamin E, aromatics, exotic calendula and arnica oils, plus the finest camphor and menthol enhanced with refreshing mint.You can massage with this cream as often as you like.

Dermal Therapy Heel Care sold at

Dermal Therapy Foot Massage sold at

The Knuckle Baller Sports Massager

January 22, 2008

The Knuckle Baller Sports Massager The “Omni Directional Ball” is the key to the Superior Function and ease of use that you will enjoy with your Knuckle-Baller. The Knuckle-Baller takes the POWER of the Omni Directional Massage Ball to a whole new level.You can begin by applying pressure on the roller and then gently roll the ball in circular motions around the lower back. While moving it in circular motion, you can apply the necessary pressure. Once you are able to identify the spot from where the pain is originating, you can continue to massage the affected area for 10-20 minutes. The massage roller will, thus, provide you relief as it soothes and loosens the muscle tissue or ligaments. It will also gradually increase your blood circulation, leading to the healing of the affected area and elimination of the back pain.

Massage Techniques
The Knuckle-Baller is an outstanding aid in the application of many techniques including Swedish, Deep Tissue, Sports Massage, Trigger Point, Reflexology and Cellulite Reduction.

Relief and Flexibility
The Knuckle-Baller can provide much needed massage relief for sore aching muscles, stimulate blood flow and reduce pain and swelling, thereby promoting healing and flexibility.

Versatile, Yet Easy to Use
The Knuckle-Baller will provide you a range of massage applications and techniques.

The Knuckle Baller Sports Massager sold at

Prescription for Tight Hamstrings

January 13, 2008

Working like a personal trainer, the patented Hamstring Stretch-Rx puts the athlete or patient in complete control of their hamstring stretch.

The superior supine (back lying) positioning isolates hamstring muscles for optimal stretching while preventing injury by protecting the low back.

Hamstring Stretch-Rx  is light, portable and convenient for use at home as well as travel yet durable enough to be used in the clinic or training room.

The unique handle with its rapid line-length adjustment and release lever allows for dramatically increased flexibility (range of motion) improvement. In addition, contract-relax and hold-relax routines formerly requiring assistance of a therapist or trainer can now be done independently to further enhance flexibility.

Includes exercise guide designed by a physical therapist and comes with a drawstring bag for easy transport.

Hamstring Stretch-Rx Sold at

Bongo Balance Boards

January 6, 2008

Bongo Balance Boards by FitterfirstAn exciting expert level balance trainer for Boarders, Surfers, Skiers, Hockey Players and Xtreme sports enthusiasts – you will love this one!Take one kick tail board, one dual bearing, multi-rotational , polyurethene wheel and strap them together with an I” beam and bungy cord and you will have a whole lot of balance going on. Boarders and skiiers will love the skills and tricks that they can master on our Bongo Balance Board. Boarders, Surfers, Skiers, Hockey Players and Xtreme sports enthusiasts will love this one! Bongo Balance Boards were king for balance freaks in the 60s and 70s. Now it’s back and faster than ever!

Benefits of using the Bongo Board

Balance – Static and Dynamic for enhanced sport and fitness participation. 

Postural Awareness – To correct inefficient body movements with little physical effort.

Proprioception – The body’s internal mechanisms for enhancing muscular movements that then call upon ‘memories’ stored in the muscles, bones and connective tissues to repeat a performance later on. 

Kinesthetic Sense – Enhances ability to judge the position of your body in space.

Stability – Improve balance, reducing the risk of falls and injuries associated with various sports and everyday activities.

Mobility – Retraining the body to move impulsively and freely without limitation.

Body Awareness – Learn via feelings/stimulus created by the board to instinctively be aware of muscles, muscle groups and limbs as they work to stabilize the body.

Confidence – The direct result of learning body awareness through balance conditioning.

Visual Challenge 

 To challenge your balance recovery ability, try the following exercises. Attempt only when a high confidence level has been achieved on the Bongo Board.

Play with eyes open and eyesclosed during exercises. When eyes are opened, explore the balance challenge of gently moving the head and neck up and down and then side to side.

To enhance performance try to stabilize the head, neck and upper body. 

Focus vision ahead into the horizon, but soften your gaze to enhance the peripheral field of vision. How far to the sides can you see while focusing ahead?

Skill Progression: As you progress and gain confidence on your Bongo Board, you may like to try some tricks to further enhance and develop your balance coordination.

Outside Magazine says “Ride the halfpipe at home! Bang up techniques for mastering the Bongo Balance Board, the snowboarder’s best friend.”

Fitter Bongo Board Sold at

Easy-to-grip Cando Exercise Wate Bars

December 28, 2007

Cando Exercise Wate Bars are great for all types of training. So for any fitness enthusiast who wants to take his/her body to the next sculpting level and not clutter their closets these bars are a must have.The easy-to-grip Cando exercise Wate bars come in weights
ranging from 1 lb. to 25 lbs.Cando bars are used in the supine, sitting or standing position to increase strength and ROM.

Also use to improve endurance, balance and motor skills. The Cando exercise Wate bar is perfect for use in therapy, fitness, aerobics, yoga and pilates.

Cando Exercise Wate Bars are sold at

Trigger Points Can Occur in any Muscle

December 17, 2007

Trigger points can occur in any muscle. Remember that every person is unique, and that you are the best judge of your pain and discomfort. Regular use of The Original Backnobber II tool can help you better understand the source and nature of such problems and can be an exceptionally valuable aid in your pursuit of a healthy, pain free lifestyle. The guidelines listed below can be followed when using The Original Backnobber II tool on any muscle in the body.1– Isolate a trigger point by pressing firmly with your fingertips or The Original Backnobber II tool over a specific part of the neck, shoulders, upper, middle or lower back, buttocks or thighs.2- When you feel a hard knot (like a lump) or soreness, apply pressure to determine the level of tenderness in the area. Some sensation of pain is to be expected from the pressure; although for many people, this sensation is quite pleasurable and satisfying. Experiment to determine a tolerable level of pressure.3Once you have located the trigger point and know how it feels, you’re ready to begin using The Original Backnobber II tool. As you become more accustomed to detecting trigger points on your body and how to apply pressure, you can begin immediately with The Original Backnobber II tool instead of performing the preliminary search.

4- The Original Backnobber II tool can be hooked over the shoulder or under the arm. Apply direct, steady, pressure to the trigger point in the muscle.
5- Pressure preferences vary widely among professionals and patients alike, but for many, pressure can be effectively applied for between 5 and 30 seconds. It often takes time for muscles to begin to “trust” the pressure, so the first 20 seconds may be a mere beginning. In general it is best to start slowly and gradually increase pressure as desired following your own best intuition and feelings.6- Apply pressure firmly to the affected muscle. Move along the muscle band at one-inch intervals. Stop and apply longer or deeper pressure to any knots or lumps as you work. Although almost any pressure on a muscle will usually have some releasing effect, it is best to apply pressure along the entire muscle from one end to the other, in approximately one inch intervals, and then stretch before moving onto another area.

7– Harmony and balance between both sides of the body are vital to achieving proper posture and function. It is best to work both sides of the body, just in case any pain is referred to the other side after being “detriggered.”

8- Remember to breathe! Sit back, relax and take some deep breathes both before, during and after using The Original Backnobber II tool.

9– Specific concentration on breathing can enhance the desired results of the trigger point technique. Take a deep breath and begin applying pressure as you exhale. Continue deep breathing as you perform this trigger point technique.

10- In addition to using The Original Backnobber II tool, paying attention to healthy lifestyle habits may also produce noticeable and desired results. Drink plenty of water, participate in physical activity at least 30 minutes a day, eat properly and get plenty of sleep. As you notice improvement in function and movement, you may also find yourself relaxing and enjoying life more than ever before!The Original Backnobber II tool is a wonderful gift. It is on Sale at for $37.66

Complete Ab Workout Video – Exercise Ball

June 5, 2007

The exercise ball can be used for a variety of purposes. Some of the reasons the exercise ball is used are to learn proper posture, increase lumbar (low back) mobility, increase abdominal and back muscle strength, increase balance and stability as well as develop overall control and strength of the core body muscles.

Exercise Ball sold at