Archive for the ‘foot exerciser’ Category

Gaitors 3/4 Length Arch Support

October 28, 2008

Tuli’s Gaitors 3/4 Length Arch Support are designed to provide superior shock absorption, arch support and comfort for your feet. Gaitors incorporate Tuli’s successfully patented waffle design which most effectively duplicates nature’s own shock absorbing system in the feet. The combination of modern materials allows Gaitors to provide a lightweight, yet highly effective shock absorber. Revolutionary new technology offers an ultra thin carbon fiber arch support which will provide long-lasting relief and comfort.

Tuli’s offer instant relief from:

  • Tired, burning, aching feet, legs and back
  • Painful heels and heel spurs
  • Nagging backache and neckache
  • Shin splint and arthritic joints

Tuli’s GAITORS 3/4 Length Arch Support sold at

China Gel for Foot Pain

April 11, 2007

China Gel foot pain relief

The foot absorbs the brunt of punishment in your daily activities. It supports your weight, is a shock absorber, serves as a lever for mobility and provides balance. Pain can begin with a structural flaw in your foot, improper technique in your stride, ill-fitting shoes or overuse. Other medical conditions may become symptomatic in the foot, including diabetes, vascular, and nerve problems.

Massaging China-Gel into the joints and muscles of the affected area two to three times a day will help to ease soreness and pain while reducing the inflammation. When massaged properly into the skin, China-Gel stimulates circulation and the body’s endorphin response to pain providing effective relief to any flare-ups or chronic aches making it a great alternative to oral medication.

You can buy China Gel at

Drive Exercise Peddler Stay in Shape on the Go

March 26, 2007

Drive Exercise Peddler

Ideal for toning leg or arm muscles. Comes with four anti-slip rubber pads that prevent sliding. This exercise peddeler stimulates circulation. It is a safe and gentle form of low impact exercise. The drive exercise peddler is compact for storage and easy transport. It has a polished chrome finish and tension that can be adjusted. Because it is so portable you can take advantage of the health benefits of cycling at home or on the go. The drive exercise peddler comes completely assembled.

Drive Exercise Peddler sold at